America's favorite Eleventy blog template.
About the template
- Eleventy for static site generation. See .eleventy.js.
- Nunjucks for templating.
- TailwindCSS for utility-first styling. See tailwind.config.js and src/styles/tailwind.css.
- markdown-it-anchor for generating anchors for headings.
- eleventy-plugin-nesting-toc for generating tables of contents from anchors. See this page for a demo.
- Prism syntax highlighting for code with copy button scripting included via clipboard.js. See src/styles/base.css for the theme; and src/scripts/copy.js, which is used by main.js.
- Rollup for bundling and compiling. See rollup.config.js.
- JavaScript-based privacy policy notice dismissal handling. See src/scripts/privacy-policy.js, which is used by main.js.
- Tags.
- Pagination.
- Deploy script for GitHub Pages via, using the gh-pages branch. Be sure to edit said script to work with your repository. Remember to also configure the repository appropriately.
- Exemplary Flexbox usage.
- SEO mostly done for you. Ensure you replace the data referenced in src/globals/site.json, including the images in public/.
- git clone
- cd 11r && npm i
- npm run dev to serve the site.
- npm run build to build the site.
- ./ to deploy the site to GitHub Pages (includes build).
Tag Styling
... { @apply bg-blue-500; } .tag.spirituality { @apply bg-indigo-500; } .tag.orcas { @apply bg-purple-500; } ...
- This project was forked from 11ty Starter by Matt Waler, which no longer exists.
- The code copying script was adapted from by Wilbert Schepenaar.
- SEO handling was inspired from Skeleventy by Joseph Dyer.