Daisy UI

Daisy UI

Kit information


⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  Tailwind Components

Github Info
23 open issues
7380 stars
87 watching
294 forks
Well documented
Highly customizable
RTL supported
No dependencies

About the kit

Daisy UI adds beautiful component classes to Tailwind which are fully customizable and themeable. Daisy UI builds a design system that is scalable and designer-friendly. It adds component classes like btn, card, and more to Tailwind CSS.

🌼  Features

  • Tailwind CSS plugin
    daisyUI is a Tailwind CSS plugin. Install it and add it to your tailwind.config.js file.
  • Component classes
    Adds component classes to Tailwind. Classes like btn, card,… So you will end up with a cleaner HTML.
  • Semantic color names
    Adds color names like primary, secondary, accent,….
  • Customizable
    You can customize the design of components with Tailwind utility classes and CSS variables.
  • Themeable
    Add multiple themes and customize colors. You can even set a theme for a specific section of your page.
  • RTL supported
    Enable rtl config for right to left layouts.
  • Pure CSS
    No script file, no dependencies. Works on all frameworks and environments!

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