Mamba UI

Mamba UI

Kit information


Mamba UI is a free, open-source collection of UI components and templates based on Tailwind CSS.

Github Info
6 open issues
128 stars
3 watching
10 forks
100+ components
HTML, React and Vue
Light & dark themes
Fully responsive
Free & open source
Fully customizable
Last updated

About the kit

Mamba UI is an open-source collection of over 100 Tailwind CSS components and templates that can help you create almost any type of website with just a couple of clicks. It is a toolkit for developers and designers that makes creating interfaces a breeze. 

The UI kit has a variety of well-designed components to help you get started. Everything is modular and customizable to fit your brand. From blogs to portfolios to online stores, you can quickly create a variety of layouts that look great on any screen.


  •  100+ building blocks
  •  Choose your primary color from any of the 17 different Tailwind colors
  •  Fully responsive
  •  Available in HTML, React and Vue
  •  Dynamic light and dark themes
  •  All the icons and illustrations are open-sourced as well
  •  Easy to customize with Tailwind CSS

If you've found the components useful and you're feeling generous, you can support the creator of Mamba UI by buying him a coffee.

If you want to support the project in some other way you could give the kit a shoutout @mamba_ui or if you'd like to contribute to the project you can open an issue on their GitHub.

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