Nebula is a modern Tailwind CSS dark-themed SaaS template available in three stacks: Next.js, Astro, and vanilla HTML/JavaScript. This stunning space-inspired design is a great foundation for any SaaS, startup or business looking to create a standout online presence with ease.
About the template
- Next.js v14.2 (App router) with TypeScript support - and Tailwind CSS v3.4
- Astro v4.15 with TypeScript support, Alpine.js, and Tailwind CSS v3.4
- Vanilla JavaScript & HTML using Alpine.js for interactivity - and Tailwind CSS v3.4
Key Features
- 8 fully responsive and pre-assembled pages (Home, About, Pricing, Contact, Sign-in, Sign-up, Password Reset, 404)
- 25+ customizable sections and components
- Detailed documentation for each version
- Componentized and well-structured codebase
- Compatible with all modern browsers
- Leverages modern technologies like App Router, Server Components, and View Transitions
- Simple and easy development environment setup
- Lifetime free updates
Tech Specs
- Next.js v14.2 with app router and server components
- React v18
- Tailwind CSS v3.4
- TypeScript v5
- Geist fonts
- Headless UI
- Prettier
- Splide for sliders and carousels.
- Shiki for syntax highlighting
- Odometer for stats odometer effect
- Astro v4.15
- Tailwind CSS v3.4
- TypeScript v5
- Geist fonts
- Alpine.js v3 for interactivity
- Astro-Icon for simple icon embeddings
- Prettier
- Splide for sliders and carousels.
- Shiki for syntax highlighting
- Odometer for stats odometer effect
- Tailwind CSS v3.4
- Alpine.js v3
- Uses Tailwind CLI for a simple and quick development environment setup with hot-reloading
- Geist fonts
- Splide for sliders and carousels.
- Shiki for syntax highlighting
- Odometer for stats odometer effect
Credits and Sources
- Hero Icons
- Unsplash
- Pexels
- UntitledUI (Screenshot of a dashboard component used in the Home page hero section)