Windmill Dashboard HTML

Windmill Dashboard HTML

Template information


Windmill Dashboard is a multi-theme, completely accessible, with components and page examples, ready for production dashboard.

Github Info
26 open issues
1750 stars
37 watching
299 forks
High resolution
Well documented
100% keyboard navigable
Dark theme enabled
Thoroughly accessible
Last updated

About the template

If you're looking for the React version, go here. This application is perfect if you are looking for flexibility, like a server-rendered or a framework implementation that is not currently offered, or just don't want too many dependencies

Accessibility was a priority when building this template. This theme was developed listening to real screen readers and focus traps and keyboard navigation are available everywhere.


  • Dark theme enabled (load even different images based on theme)
  • Thoroughly accessible (developed using screen readers)
  • 100% keyboard navigable
  • Custom components
  • Alpine JS (used for dropdowns and toggles)
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Chart.js
  • Heroicons
You can Sponsor Estevan Maito here (the creator of this template) and have a voice deciding the next features and have early access to them.

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