Windster is a free and open-source Tailwind CSS admin dashboard template with a responsive sidebar layout, authentication pages, charts, users, and various product pages. It includes hundreds of Tailwind CSS components from the
Flowbite component library, such as buttons, dropdowns, navbars, modals, and date pickers.
Combining the power of Tailwind CSS & Flowbite
The pages of Windster are built using the utility classes from Tailwind CSS, and the open-source components from Flowbite, giving you a highly customizable, consistent, and modular design system for your application UI. The pre-defined styles and components of Flowbite allow you to quickly build and customize the UI components while the utility-first classes of Tailwind CSS enable you to easily modify and extend the components according to your specific needs. This combination accelerates the UI design and development process, while also providing a high degree of flexibility and consistency across the dashboard UI.
What's included?
The open-source version of Windster comes with five application UI example pages, including a main dashboard layout, login and register pages, and users and product pages. Modals are also included for CRUD actions.
Hugo and Webpack
Windster is built using the HUGO static site generator and uses JSON files as a source of data for various pages, such as the products' or users' pages. The project also includes Webpack to bundle assets and watch for changes and to tie together the compilation actions from HUGO and PostCSS.